Monday, November 14, 2011


I don't haz them.
I had hoped to have my wig finished to share with you today, but this week I've been terribly afflicted by the Feckits. I've even had a hard time working on the Spartans. So I'm going to show you how the craftiness runs in my family.

This is a painting my Grandmother did
It's just 1 of many, many paintings we found while cleaning out her house. There were a few with the owls but I fell in love with it because of it's size, the painting itself is only 3.75 inches by 2.75 inches
I'm not sure where it will hang in my home yet, I found it just the other day, but I'll find somewhere for it to go.
My Grandmother was an incredibly talented lady, she made pottery, she made porcelain dolls, she sewed, she painted, she even ran a silk flower business for quite a few years. I definitely get my crafty tendencies from that side of the family.

I have an update for you on the Towel of Love. I did manage to find time to work on it this past week, I really want to get it finished soon so I can begin a new project to stave off the boredom with the Spartans, because right now I am definitely bored with them. It'll come back around... at some point.

Anywho, towel. It is a whopping 11.5 inches now (I think the last measurement was 9.25 inches) and I'm about half way through the ball, I think.

And lastly, of course, here are the Spartans for the week. 46, 47, and 48

The first 2 are homeless, the 3rd will go to James T.

46: Theron

47: Ephialtes

48: Jeff; he has a fly on his shield, according to James there was a Spartan soldier (General I think) who kept a fly fixed to his shield and when asked why he would reply "Any man who is close enough to ask why I have a fly on my shield, is close enough for me to kill" or something along those lines.

well, hopefully I'll find my giveadamn this week and be able to finish the wig for you all to see.
Til next week my friends

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