Sunday, October 2, 2011

Crafting Quickie!

Today on Crafting Quickie...

It's October!
I was lamenting earlier that I didn't have any Halloween decorations to adorn my home and then by chance came across some skull beads I've had for a long time and decided to see what I could do with them.
I took a few of my old fashioned ice cream cups and the beads and my flat candle holders and cobbled them together into a small, but festive decoration for my table until I can find other decor to my liking.

Sadly I have no towel update for you, I've been busy getting a commission ready for when a friend gets into town for the fitting (featured in next weeks blog) and just haven't had time to work on it. Next week there will be time, I will make time!

For the Spartans today I have #s 31,32, & 33

#31 is currently homeless, his name is Sedos

#32 belongs to my friend Kara, his name is Spatenous

hooooray beer!

#33 is also homeless, his name is Cracious (pronounced like gracious)

Well that's all for now, time to go do a fitting and then more crocheting.
See you next week!


  1. So, what are you using to pick names? Mine is obvious (at least to those who know me), and I get Spatenous, too, but the homeless ones obviously don't have someone's personality to trigger a name.

  2. Eeeee! I love the candle holders!

  3. I'm really pulling the names out of thin air, just making them up as I go. :-)

  4. kudos on your guerilla decorating :) nice use of beads, 50 points to Ravenclaw (or hour house of choice ;)
