Sunday, March 6, 2011

It Is Mine! It Is Mine! It is Beautiful And It Is Mine!

I have finally finished the skirt (only 5 days and 1 and a half catastrophes later than planned)

There is no front and back to the skirt it can be rotated to whichever panel you want (I kind of love that) and it is very colorful, but I think the colors blend well and it works because I have the brown in between each panel.
Here are close ups of each applique (I took the pictures while wearing the skirt too that's why some of them seem warped)
Ostara is what we are currently closest to. It is the Spring Equinox.
This was the most tedious thing I have ever appliqued; the triple spiral.

So yay skirt!

Sorry I'm not chattier today, there was a death in the family last night and I'm not feeling terribly clever. I will try to make it up to you next time.

Oh and the latest edition to my army is Cassius (though dubbed last night as Cassius Crookedus, because his helmet went all wonky and so did his mouth. It's quite cute)

All my boys!

cape cloak shot lol

Join me next time for The Tale Of The Apron

Craft on my chickies (and dudes, if there are any) craft on.

1 comment:

  1. The skirt is beautiful and your "boys" are very cute.
